1st visit Acupuncture with Arvigo Abdominal Therapy®

Image for 1st visit Acupuncture with Arvigo Abdominal Therapy®


Choose this appointment type for Abdominal Therapy and Acupuncture for pain relief, digestive issues, reproductive health or fertility support. This is the Initial Acupuncture + Arvigo® Therapy Abdominal Massage appointment, for New Patients. It includes a comprehensive health intake and a treatment. We recommend first booking an initial FREE 15 minute consult to discuss your needs. PLEASE NOTE that abdominal massage is *contraindicated* if you have: 1) an IUD device 2) current infection anywhere in or near the abdominal area 3) active cancer in abdominal area Barbara does not provide this treatment during pregnancy (although acupuncture-only is available as an option). It is not recommended to receive abdominal massage during menstruation. FOR WOMEN WHO ARE ACTIVELY TRYING TO CONCEIVE book your initial appointment during the follicular stage of your cycle (right after period ends and up to the ovulation stage).
